Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day 8 Weigh In

OK so when I woke up this morning it was weigh in day. Its the day that I love and hate. Love when the scale goes down and hate when it goes up or doesn't move. I wasn't to excited this morning because I know from when I did this a previous time for the wedding that I have not given it my all. So I sucked it up and went in the bathroom and weighed myself. Looked at the number, moved the scale to another place in the bathroom just in case the floor was off and stepped on it again. Well I am happy to report that I lost -3.3 pounds. Wish it was a little more but I will take it. I think this morning was the first time I have felt motivated and smiled while I was in the shower!

Breakfast was a banana and crystal light

Lunch was Subway (we went to the PX for lunch). 6 inch turkey on wheat with American cheese, lettuce, tomato, olives, mustard, pepper and light on the oil, vinegar & light mayo. I had diet coke and baked chips. Not the best chips. Ate some with my sandwich and some at home.

Dinner was chicken fajitas. I made homemade gauc and had 1/3 cup of it. I also made homemade salsa. Cheese was a tablespoon. Since I knew one fajita wasn't going to fill me up I had one with the tortilla and then the second one minus the tort. I would of loved to have it with the tort but I am not going to wast my calories on store bought torts.

We have been gone all day so since it is going on 7 pm I am going to do my Billy Blanks power workout. It' a fast work out but you push yourself. If I am hungry later it will either be an apple or 100 calorie popcorn.


Kari J said...

Horray for the loss - I'm soooo happy for you! -3.3 is as big deal and a great amount to loose that first week! Keep up the hard work and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings for you!

Lacey said...

Congrats! Imagine how much you're going to lose THIS week! Yaaaaay!

divad said...

Awesome loss!!! Congrats Sarah!