Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 285

This is going to be lots of information compared to my normal post so bare with me please. Taking care of a sick husband yesterday and napping through me off. I hate napping during the day but I guess I needed it.
These pictures are of my first day of counting calories.

Of course I only had 1 and taking a picture of it on the scale would of made more sense but I am still in learning process.

Breakfast pretty much is the same thing which I guess is good. Makes counting calories a little easier.

Not the smartest move. The roll alone was 168 calories. Boy oh boy how I love the German bread.

My calories totaled 1,313 & I burned 604. Not bad for a first day I hope. Yesterday I consumed 1412 & burned 502.

My new favorite snack is anything with peanut butter. I am not safe with peanut butter. If you gave me the jar and a spoon I promise you will get back an empty jar. Now I remember why I stopped buying it. Maybe for a snack..peanut butter & ice cream. Sounds yummy!

Counting calories has made me think twice about the things I chose to put in my mouth. Hopefully this is the key I need to get the scale moving again.

No this is not my goal weight & clearly not my weight. I just felt the need to update my scale picture for my weekly weigh ins. Anyways I lost 1.5 pounds from my last weigh in. On a side note though I didn't weigh in last week because I was in Turkiye so I guess I could always divide the number between both weeks. Then it would make more Either way seeing the scale move and to a new number I haven't seen in many years is nice. It is a very good mood lifter. Many thanks to Marcelle who showed me counting calories really isn't that hard. Seems like I am the type of person that gets in a routine and I hate to change it. Well maybe I just needed to change it. Guess we will see after next weeks weigh in. I have 2.9 pounds to go and I am normal again. So close. Hopefully I will be there soon! Once I am normal I will have lost 40 pounds so I will post a new picture.


Marcelle said...

Sarah I love the way you have laid out todays entry, so creative and happy to the eye..keep it its a good way to show us what you are eating.
That breakfast is really nice looking...I love all things different.
BTW those chips were the correct ones and she was more than over excited to have them and said THANKS so very much for all your trouble and effort.

Well done on the weight loss...
Am really sure you on the way down again...
Am proud!!

Fran said...

I like the way you showed the pictures. Which program do you use for the lay-out?

I think you had a very good day, you might have eaten a bit more so you would have about 1500 calories.

I'm back at counting calories too and I don't find it hard this time either. Maybe because I really want to this time?

Congrats on the loss, must have made you feel very happy!

Syl said...

Congrats on the calorie counting as well as the loss, loved the pics in today's entery. Hope hubby feels better soon

divad said...

Yay for scale movement! Your supper looked amazing...I love shrimp! I would struggle with all of the German breads too. You are almost there Sarah...I am so happy for you! :)

Bekki said...

Hooray for you!! Love the new stuff!! Wow- I should maybe count calories as opposed to points? Maybe I consume more than I think- didn't seem like a lot of food!!
Did you get a new picture /Edit program?

Sunshine Mama said...

I'm with Dawne, your supper did look amazing! I really liked all the pictures.

Looks like we're both working on some upcoming pictures. A smaller you and a bigger me. Ha, Ha!

Good job on the weight loss!!

Sabrina said...

Sarah, I just stumbled upon your blog, looks amazing so I hope you dont mind another follower! :) I am just beinning my weight loss journey; congrats on your accomplishments and keep up the amazing work. I hope you are enjoying your stay in Germany, my oldest brother was born there (but that was about 40 years ago!!). I would love to swap stories sometime!