Monday, November 26, 2012

Anyone still there?

I am pretty sure I will be writing this to know one. I quit blogging so I understand if this goes nowhere. Right now I am writing to try & get myself out of this rut I am in. These last 13 pounds that I want to lose are going to take forever. It has taken forever so far. I have moved from Germany so no more running at night, no more Zumba 5 times a week. To be honest it sucks. I have joined a gym and I am now doing Spinning, Body Pump, Body Combat, Body Flow, running. Zumba is only once a week. As great as this sounds I do not really love any of these classes. Not the way that I love Zumba. My eating is all over. I am no longer working so I am munching all day which needs to stop. NOW. I need to find a job but I am loving going to the gym in the morning. I feel I have more energy. Ahhh I miss my old life. I have given up diet soda & Crystal Light. I still crave sugar. It is so hard not to go back to the stuff. It kept me full & was 0 calories. I keep reminding myself when I am feeling weak that it isn't so much the 0 calories that it is the crap that is in it. It isn't good for my body. Well I am off for now. I am making my weigh in day Friday with the hopes that the number will keep me good on the weekends!!


Georgia said...

Fear not! You're not just writing to yourself :)
Transitions are hard enough without being surrounded by German goodies. Good luck getting back on track! :)

Fran said...

Look who's back and look who was waiting for a new post: me! I haven't left you Sarah, you're to precious to me to delete you from my reader.

I'm sorry you're feeling this way, seems to me you're still trying to find your way to your "new" life back home.

I'm proud of you that you do these classes even though you don't like them. Lots of others would have given up by then.

Hang in there girl and keep coming back here. I'll support you to get to your goal.

Marleen Swart said...

So pleasant to see a post here again :) Welcome back.
You are doing great. Following your progress on the Facebook group, makes me realise that you are in this for the long run and you're an inspiration to me to move your whole life over from one country to the other and now starting your exercise regime again. Wow!

Marcelle said...

oh before I welcome you back to blogging here ( as you and I are in touch daily via internet as before ) I want to remind you of listen carefully to me.

WHILE YOU DRANK SODA AND CRYSTAL LIGHT...YOU WERE OVER WEIGHT....So even with 0 calories it didnt help you one think of how far you've come since clean eating...and NO soda's but are the thinnest in don't u dare think that horrible stuff helped didn't
Okay so my crapping done...over and out.